Year Groups
The pastoral structure at Budehaven is based on year groups. Each year group has six or seven tutor groups of approximately thirty students and has a Year Leader.
A key focus of the role of the Year Leaders is to work with form tutors to monitor the progress of students and to help ensure they achieve their target grades based on their prior attainment. Therefore, working closely with the other Year Leaders and subject teachers, the Year Leaders organise mentoring and other intervention strategies that help support students make progress.
The other main aspect of the role of the Year Leaders, is the ‘personal well-being’ of the students in their year group. In addition to their tutor and Year Leader, pastoral support is provided for students by the Pastoral Support Team. Each year group has a Pastoral Team member attached to it. The Pastoral Support Team located in the Inclusion Base and students can go there if they have a concern or problem.
See the right hand side bar for more information regarding the make-up of the Pastoral Support Team.